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Navy SEAL Reveals 3 Dangerous Mistakes You Might Be Making Right Now

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide:
How to Turn Your House into the Safest Place on Earth

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide:
How to Turn Your House into the Safest Place on Earth

Inside A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide, Joel Lambert reveals everything you need to do to never have to leave your home during dark times by creating a self-sufficient fortress that will sustain you and your family for however long it takes (even years) until things get back to normal.

The whole book is easy to read, understand, and follow. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, young or a senior—this book can help anyone.

It’s in physical format, so even if you’re dealing with a long-term blackout or an EMP, you’ll still have access to this life-saving information.

As Joel will show you in detail, it ultimately boils down to 10 things that every person looking to successfully bug in must have covered. They’re part of what Joel likes to call The Life Pie.

Here’s Just a Glimpse at What You’ll Find Inside

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide:

Here’s Just a Glimpse at What You’ll Find Inside

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide:

The ONLY Foods You Need to Stockpile

The ONLY Foods You Need to Stockpile

First, the book covers food reserves.

Fortunately for us, we were born in times of plenty, and none of us have experienced anything even close to a real famine.

But as history has shown, there is no limit to the things a person will do when they haven’t eaten in a few weeks. That’s when people start to eat other people.

It’s become so easy and so cheap to build a long-lasting food stockpile nowadays that it’s crazy so few people have one.

Unfortunately, most Americans will be caught with their pants down in the next crisis, relying only on what they have left in their fridge or freezer.

Inside A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide, you will discover exactly how to build a long-lasting stockpile that needs no refrigeration. It starts with a complete stockpile that you can eat from morning, lunch, and dinner for three months. Then you’ll have another one for six months and another for a full year.

You’ll see exactly where to buy these foods so they’re as affordable as possible.

You’re also going to get a day-by-day and meal-by-meal rationing plan to make sure you are not only getting around 2,200 calories a day but also the vital protein, fat, and other nutrients that will keep you healthy in the long run.

If you don’t already know this, most survival foods sold in buckets are usually very expensive, low in calories, poor in nutrients, and bland in taste.

Unlike most “survival experts,” I’ve bought, stored, and lived off every food you’ll discover inside A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide.

Besides what I’ve mentioned so far, here are some other things you’ll find in this first chapter:

  • The Under $1 Walmart Canned Goods You Absolutely Need to Add to Your Food Reserves
  • A Meal in a Jar That Can Feed You for a Week
  • How to Make the Ultimate Survival Food with a 25-Year Shelf Life
  • Must-Have Survival Foods You Didn’t Know Existed
  • The Only Seeds You Need to Stockpile for a Crisis
  • How to Preserve Eggs Without Electricity for Years
  • What Item You Should Remove from Your Pantry Immediately
  • What Great Depression Foods We’ll Be Eating Again Soon

The Water You Need in a Crisis

and How to Preserve It

The Water You Need in a Crisis

and How to Preserve It

In the next crisis, the thing that will probably force most people to flee the safety of their homes is not a lack of food but a lack of safe drinking water.

It’s very easy to underestimate how much you really need. The truth is, having enough water not only to drink but also cook and bathe with requires some out-of-the-box solutions. You’ll find everything inside the book, but here’s just one of them.

Put a water storage kit called a water bob inside your bathtub, and turn on the tap. Before long, you’ll have over a hundred gallons of fresh water safely gathered there.

If there is a blackout or an EMP that stops the big water pumps we all depend on, there will still be some water left in the pipes that you can quickly grab for yourself with this device, which also keeps water from spoiling for a long time.

What you’ll also find in A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide for this part of the pie:

  • The Deadly Water Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
  • How to Stockpile a Ton of Water for 365 Days
  • A Simple and Cheap Device That Can Filter Huge Quantities of Drinking Water
  • Why Bleach Is Not the Best for Purifying Water (and what to use instead)
  • How to Harvest Atmospheric Water
  • Why You Should Place a Silver Coin in a Blue Barrel
  • How to Test Your Water to See if It’s Still Safe to Drink
  • How to Desalinize Water Using a Device That Costs Only $4

How to Looter-Proof Your Property

How to Looter-Proof Your Property

I’ll show you everything a SEAL knows about how to protect your home against looters and other intruders. If these ingenious tactics work against highly trained soldiers and terrorists, you can bet they’ll work against your average disorganized looter in a crisis.

You’ll see exactly what you need to do and install from the property line all the way to your bedroom to protect yourself and what you have in a crisis.

For example, you’ll not only discover how to make your house look extremely unappealing or dangerous to looters but also how to set up traps and alarms that will ensure you don’t become their next victim.

Here are some other things I’ve saved for you in this chapter:

  • How to Safely Clear Your House Room to Room When You Think You’ve Got an Intruder
  • How to Make Your House Invisible After SHTF
  • Ingenious, Violence-Free Ways to Keep Looters off Your Property
  • The Most Common Security Mistakes You’re Probably Guilty of Too
  • What to Say if Neighbors or Friends Come Asking for Food in a Crisis
  • Signs to Avoid on Your Property
  • How to Silence a Conventional Generator so It Doesn’t Draw Unwanted Attention
  • What Hiding Places Looters Never Check
  • The First Thing You Should Do if Martial Law Is Declared
  • SEAL Home Survival Tactics for the Next Civil War

How to Still Have Power When the Grid Is Down

How to Still Have Power When the Grid Is Down

This is where you’ll learn about the ingenious strategies and items that will keep you alive in a world without power.

We’re so used to having electricity all the time—and everything that comes with it—that I suspect most people will be totally paralyzed once the grid goes down due to an EMP strike, solar storm, or cyberattack.

But unlike most people, in the military we actively prepare for such scenarios.

Here are just some things you need:

  • A Breakthrough Survival Generator Anyone Can Afford That Can Power an Average American House for Three Days Straight
  • An Inexpensive Device to Insulate Doors and Windows to Prevent Heat Loss
  • The Best Fully Rechargeable Batteries for Flashlights, Drills, and Other Electric Tools
  • How to Hide That You Still Have Power Left in a Blackout
  • How to Draw Electricity from Dead Batteries
  • Powerless Items to Stockpile for the Next Blackout
  • An Ingenious Way to EMP-Proof Your Generator, Car, and Other Vital Appliances

The Post-SHTF Communication Blueprint

The Post-SHTF Communication Blueprint

Next up, you’ll learn how to communicate in a blackout or after an electromagnetic pulse that takes down our cell towers and satellites.

In the SEALs, we don’t rely only on conventional methods of communication as that would make us very vulnerable. I’ll show you some things that we use instead and that you can use as well in the next crisis.

On top of that, you’ll be able to pass and receive untraceable messages and talk without anyone being able to pinpoint your exact location, just like a special operator.

Here are some other things you’ll find in this extensive chapter:

  • How to Communicate Like a Navy SEAL
  • The Best Ham Radio for Preppers and How to Operate It
  • A Simple Homemade Antenna That Can Greatly Amplify Any Radio Signal
  • How to Turn a CB Radio into an Effective Two-Way Communication Device with a 50-Mile-Plus Range
  • How to Listen In Without Being Detected
  • The Cheapest Way to Buy Emergency Radios in America
  • Off-Grid Appliances Everyone Should Have in Their House
  • How to Use a Car Battery to Power Up Your Radios

And so much more…

Essential Medical Pills and Supplies to Keep Close During Dark Times

Essential Medical Pills and Supplies to Keep Close During Dark Times

In any crisis, health should be your number one priority, so you’d better learn about the medicines and medical supplies you need to have by your side. As pharmacies will be among the first to get looted, make sure you get everything you need before it’s too late. Without the right medicines, even a simple flu or a tiny cut can affect you.

  • The 10 Cent Pill Everyone Needs in Their Cabinet
  • How to Stop Bleeding with Cayenne Pepper
  • How You Can Stockpile Prescription Meds Without a Prescription
  • What Happens if You Take Expired Medications
  • “Nature’s Amoxicillin” and Dozens of Other Natural Remedies That Can Save You Once Pharmacies Run Dry
  • How to Make a Black Drawing Salve
  • The Only Four Antibiotics You Need to Stockpile for When SHTF
  • Vital Medical Supplies to Keep in Your House
  • What Happens if You Mix Raw Honey with Activated Charcoal
  • The Powerful Painkiller That Probably Grows in Your Driveway

Plus many other things that your life will depend on one day.

Survival Items You Need but Never Heard About

Survival Items You Need but Never Heard About

This next part will reveal the survival tools and gear you really need to bug in. You’ll never find out about them on TV or some random YouTube video.

There are so many bad deals and useless items out there that you have a better chance of finding a needle in a haystack.

I’ll help you burn the hay and find what you really need.

Here are some other things you’ll find:

  • Household Items You Need to Stock Up on Before the Upcoming Great Depression
  • The DIY EMP Survival Home Kit
  • What to Hunt for at Amish, Army Surplus, and Salvation Army Stores
  • Essential Emergency Supplies You Should Have at Home
  • What You Probably Forgot to Buy at the Dollar Store
  • A Simple Plug-In Gadget That Can Shelter Everything in Your House from the Effects of an EMP
  • What Items Vanished Immediately After Hurricane Katrina

And a lot more items that will greatly help you in the dark days ahead!

SEAL-Tested Survival Skills for the Next Crisis

SEAL-Tested Survival Skills for the Next Crisis

Right now, you have access to the Internet. It’s so easy to search for something online and see how it’s done. Of course, that all stops when the electricity goes away.

That’s why I want you to have the skills you need in a physical book, not on a hard disk, phone, laptop, or other electronic means of storage that, along with the Internet, will be totally unreliable in a crisis. 

Some of the many things that you’ll find here:

  • Deadly Bug-In Mistakes You’re Probably Making Right Now
  • 10 Things That Will Become Extremely Valuable After an EMP
  • Where to Find Shelter in the Event of a Nuclear Strike
  • Why You Should Bury a Trashcan in Your Backyard
  • The First Thing You Need to Do Once a Civil War Starts
  • Preserving Food Without a Fridge
  • What to Do if They Find Out You Have a Stockpile
  • The Only Four Knots You Need for Survival
  • Things You Throw Away That You Should Add to Your Stockpile Instead

And many others that will come in quite handy during dark times…

Intelligence: How to Stay One Step

Ahead of the Bad Guys

Intelligence: How to Stay One Step Ahead of the Bad Guys

No matter how prepared you may think you are and how big of a stockpile you’ve been able to get, your biggest threat will always be other people. Even if you bug in for months or years, at some point you will eventually have to deal with others.

So you need to know how to handle them. In the SEALs, we take this very seriously. And always remember, loose lips sink ships.

Never…ever tell anyone what you have!

Here are a few things you’ll discover in this chapter:

  • How to Become Untraceable When SHTF
  • How to Tell When People Are Lying to You
  • Ingenious Ways to Outfox FEMA After SHTF
  • How to Stay Completely off the Government’s Radar
  • How to Know if Your Neighbor Will Become a Looter in the Next Crisis
  • An Ingenious Way to Stop Your Phone from Tracking You
  • Your Rights Under Martial Law
  • A Fool-Proof OPSEC Plan
  • How to Hide from Thermal Vision

…and many other hacks that will keep you off all radars.

And then there’s the FINAL PIECE OF THE PIE:

Projects to Outlast a Collapse

Projects to Outlast a Collapse

These projects are not required if things go back to normal in a few weeks or even a few months if you follow the rest of the guide.

But there is no doubt that they’ll make you more self-sufficient today as well as help you survive in the long run. You can find their complete blueprints with pictures and my step-by-step guidance saved in the final chapter of A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide.

So if you have this book by your side, you can build them any time you want or need to.

Here are a couple of them just to get an idea:

  • How to Build an Electricity-Free Fridge
  • A Pressurized Rainwater Collection System
  • The Year-Round Greenhouse
  • A Backyard Root Cellar
  • The No-Electricity Coil Water Heater
  • The Poor Man’s Faraday Cage

So there you have it—the ten things you need, to turn your home into the safest place on Earth.

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide is really unlike any other prepping or survival book out there.

  • First of all, the survival knowledge saved inside doesn’t come from Internet “research.” It comes from my personal experience as a SEAL doing all of these things for decades to protect my team and family. Just like anyone else, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes along the way so you don’t have to. I’ve also found shortcuts and improved many things that will probably help you out a great deal during the hard times ahead.

  • Secondly, the book is designed to cover ALL the important aspects of surviving a crisis without ever leaving your house. If you plan to bug in in a crisis, this is the only guide you’ll want by your side.

+ Two Life-Saving Gifts and 24/7 Assistance with Everything You Need

+ Two Life-Saving Gifts and 24/7 Assistance with Everything You Need

If you decide to get A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide today, you’ll also receive two exclusive bonuses worth $29 each—completely FREE.

These are only available on a first come, first served basis, so don’t call us about them later if you don’t take advantage of the opportunity in front of you now.

The first one is called How to Become Self-Sufficient on 4 Acres.

People back in the day were a lot more self-sufficient than we are. They would grow and preserve their own food and medicine, build backyard wells and root cellars, raise livestock, and do many other things on their own, which we’ve all but forgotten in our world of plenty.

The second bonus you’ll receive is called How to Outlive an EMP the Early Pioneer Way.

This is a day-by-day guide that shows you what to do after an EMP every day for 30 days. Think about it this way: If an EMP had struck in the late 1800s, nobody would’ve even noticed it.

Our great-grandparents didn’t even know what an EMP was nor did they know what modern technology was, but they surely lived, survived, and prospered without it.

These two free bonuses are only available if you get A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide today. You can always purchase them separately for $29 each, but today you get both of them for FREE!

We’ve tried to price the bug-in guide as fairly as possible so that anyone can afford it. Money is not my reason for writing this book. This is a book that will save many lives during the dark times ahead, so as a devout Christian, I believe it’s my duty to make sure it ends up in as many hands as possible.

The problem is that I can’t print in huge quantities like a big publishing house that gets a huge wholesale discount. This is not a mass-market book and probably never will be.
I’ve managed to get a price that helps me cover printing and other expenses, like paying for a nutritionist, a combat medic, and a few other experts who’ve also contributed to this unique bug-in guide. All things considered, $59 is a not a bad price for the lifesaving information found inside this guide.

But luckily we were able to find a printing house near Austin, Texas, whose owner is also a prepper. He loved the book so much that he decided to help us with a big printing discount like we were some big publisher, which obviously we’re not.

This way we were able to get the price down to just $37! For this one-time payment, you will receive A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide plus How to Become Self-Sufficient on 4 Acres and How to Outlive an EMP the Early Pioneer Way.

To secure this deal, just click on the button below now, and I’ll make sure you receive everything as fast as possible.

What Do People Say About

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide?

Customer Reviews

Kurt Mogab

Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2025

Play Video Yall, I love this book. So many great ideas on how to stock pile food. Save water, easy/cheap recipes.m etc You don't really think about a lot of this stuff until you have to or need to so it's a great way to prepare. I live in California and we just suffered major fires and I'm glad I was a lot more prepared than many of my neighbors.
Review Image


Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2024

This book is very detailed and has a lot of good information in it. The back cover has some pretty harsh typos throughout it. I highly recommend the author review those before printing more books.
Review Image


Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2024

Especially useful for the person that "wakes up" to the seriousness of the coming societal meltdown and asks, "What EXACTLY do I do next??" That person will eat this up! I bought a copy directly from the Authors site August 5, 2024. (No discount btw.) One hour of reading through it and I ordered two more. It's not a mass-published book, so it'll cost more than other books. It it worth it? 100%- YES! It really is. Zero wasted words, yet very, very easy to follow, understand and put in to action. Almost every basic prepping-related question seems to be answered here-in simplistic, straight forward. I have over one hundred "Prepper-Related" books, but this is in a category by itself. The attention to detail and with a common-sense approach to explaining things in an simplistically way is a treasure. I prefer visual-learning, and there's a lot of CLEAR color pictures. You'll need more books than just this, of course, if you want a higher level of skill or mastery in dozens of critical areas, but I'd guess that 95% of "Preppers" are very confused and just overwhelmed. This is a perfect start. I'm three years into serious prepping, and I love the book.
Review ImageReview Image

Eric Beuning

Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2024

The first thought I had when I opened The Bug In Guide was how absolutely gorgeous it looks. The second thing that came to mind was…why on Earth hasn't anyone written a guide like this? I mean it makes perfect sense from the stockpile chapter with its breakdown of meals, calories and nutrients to the blueprints DIY projects you need to outlast a collapse. Joel covers it all and you can immediately tell that this guy is sharing from experience. For me it's already made a big difference in my preps and it was probably the best $37 I ever spent.
Review ImageReview ImageReview ImageReview Image

Joel Costa

Reviewed in the United States on October 8, 2024

"A Navy SEAL's Bug-In Guide: How to Turn Your House into the Safest Place on Earth" is an absolute game-changer for anyone serious about home security and preparedness. As someone with a military background, I was immediately drawn to this book's practical approach, but it goes far beyond basic survival tips. The author, leveraging years of elite training as a Navy SEAL, breaks down complex strategies into simple, actionable steps that anyone can follow. The guide covers everything from securing entry points to stockpiling the right supplies, setting up defense systems, and ensuring your home is a fortress during emergencies. What I appreciate most is how it balances expert tactical advice with a strong focus on everyday practicality. Whether you're preparing for natural disasters, power outages, or other unpredictable situations, this guide teaches you how to stay calm, organized, and safe within the confines of your own home. The real-world examples and straightforward instructions make it feel like you're being coached by a professional who has lived through the most intense situations imaginable. It's not just about survival--it's about thriving and maintaining peace of mind when the world around you is uncertain. Overall, if you're serious about creating a secure, self-sufficient home, this guide is a must-read. It's packed with expert insights, and by the end, you'll feel confident that your home really can become the safest place on Earth. Highly recommend it!

Shannon Milner

Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2024

I'm well versed in prepping, so this book had a lot of repeat information. However, I'm better prepared/educated for bugging-out scenarios, so I wanted to brush up on bugging-in. Definitely some new and good information that I haven't fully considered. I highly recommend for beginner preppers, but more advanced should still read.

Darly Abbott

Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2025

The pictures are great, there are lists right away of food and things to stockpile. There are recipes and instructions so easy to follow. And it's not a violent book of how to stock pile weapons and fool the govt. it's rational reasonable things to do if martial law is declared, if the electricity goes out for long periods of time, what to do about neighbors and keeping boundaries, how to keep your cool if things go haywire for a while in earthquake and storms as well. Common sense things I hadn't considered.

Charles C.

Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2025

I didn't know if this was just another proper book but I got the thing and scan through it and I was very impressed by all the subjects that were covered there. This is a down-to-earth easy to understand way to protect your home and your family and I can't thank the gentleman for writing it and sharing all of his life experience in this easy to read book. It's well worth the money and when you read it and realize how much information is in there it's actually priceless! Get it while you can and get it before you need it! Good luck and the best to you and your family.

L. D.

Reviewed in the United States on January 12, 2025

Excellent book! I have many books of this type, but this is best overall, in my opinion. Has basic information, like soup recipe, and knots, to more advanced straightforward information of how to secure your home. It gives a month by month food schedule. Breaks down what to buy and how to buy. For instance what beans, corn or noodles. This book is broken down each area of self reliance. I Highly recommend this book!!!! Best book of this sort. Should be in every home! Men and women will equally find this of value.


Reviewed in the United States on January 21, 2025

The Navy Seals Bug-In Guide is an incredibly cool and informative resource. I've been flipping through its pages and am impressed by the wealth of ideas it offers. The step-by-step instructions are clear, concise, and well-written, making it easy to understand and execute the projects. From survival strategies to practical tips for bugging in, this guide is packed with knowledge that feels both useful and empowering. I can't wait to dive into some of these projects and put them to the test. If you're interested in preparedness or just want to learn some awesome survival skills, this guide is an excellent addition to your library


Reviewed in the United States on December 4, 2024

There is so much information out there on how to prep for possible emergencies. This book really gives you a step-by-step realistic, easy approach to start your prepping. I love the recipes, but also just the practical advice that I didn't even know I needed. I recommend this book for anybody who is considering and worried about the future. That knowledge from this book goes a long way.


Reviewed in the United States on January 13, 2025

Full of color pictures and detailed info you can't find anywhere else during these uncertain times. I'm so grateful I found this book! No I have a to-do list for this new administration!


Reviewed in the United States on January 17, 2025

My book was torn on the bottom an inside a little. I'm looking forward to reading it.

mark kilburn

Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2025

This has a wealth of information. From just starting out ot to the experienced prepper.

Victoria Van Sant

Reviewed in the United States on January 5, 2025

Although I won't be doing everything this book covers, the information is valuable. I've built my food storage supply. If that's all you take away from this book, it is worth every penny.

Charles Herrera

Reviewed in the United States on January 19, 2025

Great book. Has a lot of good information

Cheryl Tindell

Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2025

Purchased as a gift and at a cursory glance they liked it!


Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2025

Great book very informative. Highly recommended.


Reviewed in the United States on January 17, 2025

Prep for hard times

John C Davenport

Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2025

It appears to be well made!

Dane W.

Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2025

Good book

Amazon Customer

Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2024

Love this book. Lots of good information and ideas. Good book to have.


Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2024

I purchased this to be a little more prepared.

W. Burke

Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2025

This is a well thought out book

Amazon Customer

Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2024

Majority of the SHTF books are about bugging out. This one is about staying put. Excellent book and I recommend.

Wyatt L. Watkins

Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2025

Great book. Not everyone can bug out. Learn important tricks.


Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2024

A lot of good information!!!

Patricia Newman

Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2024

An easy-to-read and incredibly informative book. It tells you what food to buy, in what quantity, how much it costs and where to buy it to get the cheapest price. It explains the differences between generators and how to use them. He describes ways you can disinfect water so it is potable, what medical supplies to gather for your stockpile. Just a fantastic resource.

Amazon Customer

Reviewed in the United States on December 22, 2024

Great info in this book.

Dennis G Thomas

Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2024

Full of very useful information.


Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2024

I know a few people who have gotten this now and it's a lot of information in a very simple format that everyone has found useful. Everyone thinks about bug out but not about bugging in. Glad I got it.


Reviewed in the United States on December 16, 2024

Truly an information toolkit. Solid no BS


Reviewed in the United States on December 10, 2024

Knowledge is power,this is a great read and can be a very important resource to fall back on should the environment change


Reviewed in the United States on December 4, 2024

Of the multiple books that I have, this one is well organized, easy to read and provides simple step-by-step instructions on how to go about getting prepared for any kind of crisis.

Dawn Foster

Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2024

These books are great

Paula F

Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2024

This one is the real if and or buts about it! Any skill level can comprehend enough out of this book to improve your own situation. I love the fact he took the time to explain to people what, why, and how to store it or use it...from food, shelter, water and so much more. Illustrations are perfect size for what you need and not used as page fillers. His terminology is simple and direct but encouraging. I had an issue with my own doing 🙁 and well let me say if every company had this type of customer service, fair pricing, and product quality....they would never go out of business! Excellent and quick service!!! This the same review as I put on Facebook.


Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2024

It's ALL good information, and written in easy to understand format !!

Tyler Wilson

Reviewed in the United States on December 1, 2024

Love this book! It has a great table of contents and is easy to read. It shipped quickly as well.

Huskers Gymnastics

Reviewed in the United States on December 4, 2024

So much good information I never even thought of.


Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2024

I never write reviews but had to for this book. It's packed with resourceful information. Get it NOW!

M. L. Lucas

Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2024

Authoritative information, great tables and illustrations!

Crystal Kaatz

Reviewed in the United States on November 25, 2024

This is a great book for beginners to survival guide. Gives a lot of good tips and teaches you


Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2024

This is the full version and it is great! My dad will love it!

Tonya Willoughby

Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2024

Great information for a beginner learning this type of information.

Amazon Customer

Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2024

He gave a lot of great information, things I had not thought about. Well worth getting. I think a lot of people don't know what it would take to survive.

Jennifer Smith

Reviewed in the United States on November 26, 2024

Hella knowledge here, You can't put a cap on that kind of value!

Michael Watson

Reviewed in the United States on November 25, 2024

Lots of practical tips to help you prepare for emergencies.

S. Stiver

Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2024

I haven't finished reading the book but each chapter is very detailed and tells you exactly what you need to stockpile in case of an emergency of any kind. Has websites for specific items you might want. Really like how this author presents his information.

Kindle Customer

Reviewed in the United States on November 27, 2024

Very complete, easy to follow. Solid information.

Judy S

Reviewed in the United States on November 15, 2024

This is an amazing book. Lots of useful information for survival. Easy to follow instructions and simple to make. I would highly recommend this book for anyone that wants to be prepared for any emergency.

Brenda C.

Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2024

My friend bought one of these books for me cause we both are very interested in prepping, etc. I knew immediately I had to purchase one for our son & a grandson. Great book!! Has lot of info that I'd never thought about. Had it in my cart one day & tried to check out next day but wasn't available anymore. Thankfully bout week later was available again & I snapped up 2 copies. Arrived in perfect condition. It's just gonna be a "happy" for them at Christmas. They'll love it. Few reviews talk bout typos etc. Heck I look over minor things like that cause great ideas override a typo. And this book is full of great information to keep you & family safe.

Anthony K.

Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2024

Quickly read through book. I feel it is a great reference book for possible bug in situations. Even just as a result of a storm or other natural disaster. Lots of time is devoted to food. Food storage is a major issue for disaster preparedness. Easy simple and helpful recipes even menu ideas for 3 months out. Other information in this guide is also useful. Like I mentioned a lot of the information simple and easy to follow. If nothing else this book provides an excellent start up to just being prepared and what to think about should something happen. With increasing storms and uncertainty following this guide would only benefit you and your family. I would recommend.


Reviewed in the United States on November 25, 2024

Packed full of great things

dan geer

Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2024

Seems to be thoroughly complete. Can't find anything I disagree with or feel is missing. Well thought out and appreciates how most people are looking for cheap preparation. I feel it leaves almost every subject up to reader's interpretation based off their personal budget.


Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2024

Thank you for the item.


Reviewed in the United States on October 29, 2024

This book is as would be expected. It is filled with numerous information regarding everything the title says. I would say that this book is more for a beginner prepper or anyone new to the independent off grid, emergency readiness mindset. But the book shares valuable information that would easily enhance the capabilities and readiness of any reader


Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2024

I've know the author for many years. I was so happy to see him share his wisdom. This is great for the beginning prepper or more experienced. Joel's work is well written and practical. I found it gives me structure for my projects and preps. I would definitely give it as a gift. So thankful for this useful realistic guide to bugging in. Thank you Joel and thank you for your service.

Jim W.

Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2024

Thanks for putting this together.

Cheryl D.

Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2024

Lots of great information


Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2024

Lots of great info. Wish the editing was a little better, but still a great resource.


Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2024

Helped me with things I hadn't thought about

Jenna Smith

Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2024

Shipping was super fast. It arrived a week before it was expected and the book came in great condition.

Kyle Hassler

Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2024

Something to have, for you know....reasons. Get yourself some books before you can'

Boomer life

Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2024

Best book for bugging in with any disaster. Simple understanding all in one book!

Jodi Campbell

Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2024

This book is great for preparing for any situation that may come up. Joel Lambert has done fantastic job with this book. So much effort went into this!


Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2024

This book is loaded with really useful as well as practical info. A detailed and personalized guide to stay alive and thrive


Reviewed in the United States on October 21, 2024

I loved this book so much. Such grey information and I've already started implementing a lot of the advice given. I've shared this book with a lot of friends already!

Scott Sheppard

Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2024

good info and common sense info good read makes u think.

Jim V.

Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2024

As I'm just getting into reading it can say it's far and away better detailed then the other 2 books I bought

Matt Wright

Reviewed in the United States on August 19, 2024

Ok funny story, my wife knows I'm a little bit obsessed with getting our house and property ready for a disaster. So, when she saw a Facebook ad for The Bug-In-Guide, she couldn't help but order me one. At first, I thought this would be the same rehashed info you see all over the internet -- not good not terrible, you probably know what I mean. But let me tell you, once I started reading, I could not put it down for hours! I was scribbling stuff down, making lists and planning the next stockpile trip.


Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2024

Make sure you get the original version

Dennis W. Nichols

Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2024

Has a lot of information in it. Thought it would be a little bit more info but I'm satisfied with the product.


Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2024

This book is full of practical advice and guidance!!

John Richard

Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2024

Keep it for the time you'll need it. Check list inside of what to keep on hand before it's too late.

Lisa Marie

Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2024

There are so many good, practical and very interesting tips in this book. I am enjoying this read! I just wish I had it a long time ago! I highly recommend.

Steph P.

Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2024

this book has so many ideas and tips, many I havent even thought of. good book to have, great information

Amazon Customer

Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2024

This book is spot on! When I saw that it's written by a former Navy Seal, I just knew I had to get a copy. The survival hacks Joel saved his book. I've never seen shared anywhere else in over a decade of prepping. Highly recommended if you want to prepare to outlast a crisis in your own home, as I do at my age.

John B

Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2024

Excellent information inside

William J Jr.

Reviewed in the United States on October 27, 2024

very pleased with book, would recommend.

Product is good but I paid for 2 day shipping and did the get it on time and they refunded to refunded my shipping

Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2024

Everyone needs to have this book .. very informative


Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2024

Has alot of info and pictures

Kindle Customer

Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2024


John Fenton

Reviewed in the United States on October 31, 2024

Good product

Amazon Customer

Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2024

Very good information on a lot of relevant subjects. Easy to read and follow.


Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2024

I really like this book! I have several books in the same genre and this is one of the best!

Susan Parran

Reviewed in the United States on December 21, 2024

Play Video Came in large box with plenty of packing, but the rip and dog eared corners and somewhat bent cover at the spine (like it's been cracked open and read) make me think I paid the cost for a new book but received a used copy. Maybe someone returned it. Looks to contain some good and useful info tho. If you're okay with a used condition book at full price, I'd say go for it!


Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2025

Written with the common person in mind. There is even a section on best canned goods to find from Walmart to add to your stockpile. Pleasantly surprised!


Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2024

Although there is always more to know, this book has a lot of good information. Some sources of items are made available which is wonderful. A thorough book on foraging & utilizing wild foods is a must companion book or books. I didn't agree completely with the "only seeds you need" section. As survival, okra isn't necessary at all. Growing zones must be considered. Sprouts grown inside in 3-5 days is a powerful nutritional source which can matter particularly in the winter. Remember, a garden, which is very helpful, takes pre setup, knowledge, & experience. I strongly recommend gardening but it's not a quick solution


Reviewed in the United States on January 7, 2025

This guide has great information, especially for those just starting to prep. But it also has good information experienced preppers.

Tabitha Hurford

Reviewed in the United States on December 24, 2024

I am always wanting to learn more and be more self sufficient. This seemed like the perfect book for learning. I haven't yet read the book but am looking forward to it.
View More Reviews

What People Are Saying About

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide

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That means you have a full 60 days to read and apply everything inside.

You’ll probably love it, but if at any time during those 60 days you don’t feel completely satisfied with the information Joel has saved inside, send us a quick e-mail or message, and we will gladly refund you the price of the book.

We’ll never even ask you why.

And you can choose to keep the physical book and the two bonuses, even if we refund your $37. That’s how much I believe in this guide and its power to save lives.

About Joel Lambert

About Joel Lambert

Joel Lambert spent ten years as part of a Navy SEAL team, experiencing combat and running covert missions in places like Kosovo and Afghanistan.

Upon returning home, he served as a lead instructor at BUD/S, the screening and selection school for people aspiring to join the ranks of the elite Navy SEALs.

After his time in the Navy, Joel was recruited by Discovery Channel to star in Manhunt. In this reality show, Joel would infiltrate different secured areas of various countries.

Once he did, special operations forces from those countries would track the veteran SEAL and try to stop him before he could reach his extract point, usually several days away.

Through thick jungles, swamps, high mountain ranges, and busy city streets, Joel’s skillset and ingenuity allowed him to outfox his pursuers almost every time.

But as good as Joel is at bugging out, he would never head for the wild in a real crisis. Bugging out should be a last resort. It’s what you should do once everything that can go wrong has. So instead of teaching people how to bug out and risk their lives out there, Joel decided to do something nobody had done before.

He set out to help people survive in their own homes and protect their families in the next crisis using skills and methods he relied on as a Navy SEAL. And they’re all saved in this book that everyone should have in their home.

What Can A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide

Do for You and Your Family?

What Can A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide Do for You and Your Family?

A Safety Net for Hard Times

Unless a fire or tornado is heading straight for your home and you need to evacuate in a hurry,

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide will help you prepare for any kind of crisis, including the most severe ones, like an EMP, civil war, or a full-blown economic meltdown. Having it by your side is the best insurance policy you can buy for your family.

Our society is still functioning right now, so there is still time to follow the advice inside and cover all your bases in terms of food, water, communication, security, and all the rest. Do not wait until it becomes too late, as many of the items you’ll find in the book will become impossible to get in a crisis.

Rely Less on Big Corporations and Uncle Sam, and More on Yourself

One of the most important steps you can take to prepare for the coming crisis, whatever it will be, is to become more self-sufficient. Part of that is stockpiling the right stuff but also absorbing the skills and methods you need to survive with no outside help, like growing and preserving your own food, gathering rainwater, making powerful natural remedies, and many others.

You will also learn how to build the small projects you need in your backyard and around the house for a self-sufficient life.

Stop Wasting Money on Stuff You Don’t Need

People waste a lot of money each year buying stuff they don’t really need. Preparedness is no exception.

A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide will help you see through the fog of disingenuous advertising and help you STOP wasting your hard-earned money on bogus products and bad advice.

It will also give you the survival items and knowledge that will truly make a difference once things go south.

The Bug-In Guide Can Also Save You Money

Just buying the right kind of backup generator, which you’ll discover inside the book, can save you over $1,000 in one go. Depending on how large of a stockpile you want to build and which of the items I recommend you want to get, the savings can go up to multiple thousands of dollars.

Not to mention that learning how to grow your own food and medicine and do other things yourself will add more savings on top of that!

But don’t take my word for it; see for yourself by comparing your regular sources with the ones I’m giving away inside the book.

Sleep Like a Baby at Night Because Your Property Is Secure

With this book, you’ll never again worry about a break-in. The easy DIY traps and alarm systems you’ll have in place will make sure that any intruder is dealt with swiftly, without even waking you up most of the time!

It will be you who controls your own security, and you won’t need to depend on an increasingly gutted and unreliable police force.

Make Your House Invisible to Looters and FEMA

With the simple methods I’ll reveal inside the book, you can turn your house into an almost invisible shelter. Just as there is an art of human camouflage, there are also ways to make a home vanish in plain sight. I’ll show you what you need to do immediately once a crisis begins to drastically cut down the chances your house will ever become a target for looters, rioters, or unwelcome government officials.

They could be looking right at it but never think or dare to enter your property.

A Precious Gift for Future Generations of Your Family

This book contains survival information that will probably be as relevant for your grandkids or great-grandkids as it is for you today.

You can be sure that if you leave them this book, it will also help them in their hour of need, and they will be very grateful you had the wisdom to do so.

I really hope you will take advantage of A Navy SEAL’s Bug-In Guide, but even if you decide otherwise, I want to thank you for reading this message and watching the special video I made for you.

God bless you and stay safe,
